Why You Find It Hard To Say No and How To Get Better At It
Are there are times when you find it hard to say no? If so you're not alone, a lot of people struggle with this. It can be easy to slip into giving away…
Are Your Past Relationships Affecting Your Current One?
Do you relate to the following? You start a new relationship and everything is perfect. However, over time small things start to niggle and eventually lead to arguments. Perhaps you feel disrespected, mistrustful,…
4 Easy Ways To Get Much Better At Self-Acceptance
As a therapist, I've found that people don't tend to think much about self-acceptance. But developing this practice will make you happier, more successful, and improve your relationships. However, it can be challenging…
Why You Keep Worrying And How To Stop It
Worry – it’s something we all do from time to time. Sometimes we have good reason to worry; for example, if we‘re concerned about our finances, or anxious about a job interview, or…