Why You Find It Hard To Say No and How To Get Better At It
Are there are times when you find it hard to say no? If so you're not alone, a lot of people struggle with this. It can be easy to slip into giving away…
One Powerful Way To Stop Being Taken For Granted
Do you sometimes feel taken for granted? It can be a painful experience to be overlooked and feel unimportant. It can leave you feeling unsure in your relationships because you don't know where…
Why Other People Don’t Treat You As Well As You Treat Them
If people treat you badly do you ever ask yourself: "Why don't other people treat me as well as I treat them?" After all, you're so kind and considerate - it can seem like a…
How To Have Difficult Conversations With The People You Love
All relationships face difficult conversations from time to time. There are times when we need to say something sensitive or even challenging to someone. It may be something which is upsetting us, a…