3 Mistaken Ideas That Stop You Overcoming Anxiety
I’ve helped hundreds of people overcome anxiety and panic attacks. I love seeing people make the shift from having a life ruled by their anxiety, to being free, confident and happy! One of…
Be A Better Communicator, Use Active Listening
I love helping my clients learn better communication skills because I know what a huge difference it can make to their lives. Whether it's with a partner, friends, family member or in the workplace;…
Why Practising Self-Acceptance Will Make You More Successful
If you're familiar with my work, you’ll know that I often talk about the magic of self-acceptance. I just love encouraging my clients toward a better understanding that accepting themselves will make life…
How Practising Self-Acceptance Will Make Your Relationships Much Better
Often, when I first introduce the idea of self-acceptance to a client they'll tell me that they’ve always thought of self-acceptance in a negative way - to them, it means not trying hard…