How To Stop Being So Hard On Yourself
It’s easy to fall into the trap of judging ourselves harshly when we make mistakes or encounter challenges. We tend to think that something is wrong with us or that we’ve failed in some way. However, this kind of thinking is not only unhelpful but it's also untrue. In fact, there’s a completely different way to view these challenging experiences that can help us grow and evolve into happier wiser beings.
Life is One Big School of Wisdom
At our core, we’re all wisdom seekers. We exist as part of a universe that’s constantly evolving, so it’s innate in us to want to evolve too. When we look back at times when we’ve been happiest, we often find that those were moments when our lives were moving forward in some inspiring way, or when we learned something about ourselves. In other words, these were moments of growth and evolution.
Life is full of contrasts and differences. If everyone were the same, with the same opinions and values, life would be pretty dull. Our differences, problems, mistakes, and challenges are actually opportunities to learn and grow. When we encounter disagreements with others or make errors in our lives, we can help ourselves on our journey into wisdom by asking loving questions such as:
- What can I lovingly learn from this?
- How can I be more accepting of myself in this situation?
- Is there a way I could treat myself and others with more kindness?
- What do I need to say or do to honor my own value while still being kind to another?
Tune In to The Power of Love
Have you noticed that wise people tend to be calm, compassionate, loving, and self-nurturing? They’ve come to understand that by tuning into the power of love, by accepting themselves and being curious about life instead of judging it, they can be happy and fulfilled. When we approach our challenges with self-love and kindness, we’re more likely to learn from them and grow as individuals.
Every experience, good or bad, is A chance to evolve and grow
Remember, there’s nothing wrong with the mistakes you make or the challenges you face. You’re always moving in the right direction. Even when you get stuck, that’s just an opportunity to pause and reflect on your next step. Even when you mess up, that’s just an opportunity to consider what you can learn from the situation. Every experience, good or bad, is a chance to evolve and grow towards your wisdom.
So if you've been hard on yourself, it's time to let that go now. Embrace your mistakes and challenges as opportunities to learn and grow, and treat yourself with love and kindness. You’ll be amazed at how much wisdom you can gain and how much happier and fulfilled you can become.
How to practise self-love
There are many ways you can learn to practise self-love. One of the easiest and most powerful ways is to be kinder to yourself. When you begin the habit of doing so, life improves for the better – and often very quickly indeed.

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