How Ava Stopped Giving Her Daughter Money
This is a case study taken from Chapter 16 of How Kind People Get ToughAva, 67Ava sought out my help because she was suffering from severe anxiety. Anxiety is often the body’s way…
How To Overcome Relationship Challenges in Expat Life
Many people dream of starting a new life abroad, and while stepping out of your comfort zone can take courage, the rewards are truly worthwhile. If this is you, I know that you're…
How To Say No and Still Be Kind
Do you struggle to say no? A lot of the time people find it hard to say no because they feel guilty. They worry that they're not being kind or that they're rejecting…
What To Do When Your Adult Child Keeps Asking For Money
As our children grow into adulthood we naturally want to support and nurture them in every way we can. After all, the role of being a parent never ends, and helping them navigate…