One Powerful Way To Stop Being Taken For Granted
Do you sometimes feel taken for granted? It can be a painful experience to be overlooked and feel unimportant. It can leave you feeling unsure in your relationships because you don't know where…
How To Say No Without Feeling Guilty
Do you struggle to say no? A lot of the time people find it hard to say no because they feel guilty. They worry that they're not being kind or that they're rejecting…
Be A Better Communicator, Use Active Listening
I love helping my clients learn better communication skills because I know what a huge difference it can make to their lives. Whether it's with a partner, friends, family member or in the workplace;…
Why Practising Self-Acceptance Will Make You More Successful
If you're familiar with my work, you’ll know that I often talk about the magic of self-acceptance. I just love encouraging my clients toward a better understanding that accepting themselves will make life…