Be A Better Communicator, Use Active Listening
I love helping my clients learn better communication skills because I know what a huge difference it can make to their lives.
Whether it's with a partner, friends, family member or in the workplace; when we learn to communicate more effectively we have less friction, and more calm - any relationship will be stronger.
To truly listen to someone is one of the greatest gifts you can offer; it’s a way of saying, I’m here with you and I consider you worthy enough to give you my full attention.
Active listening is a way of showing someone you're truly there with them.
Actively listening takes communication to a higher level: it’s about empathy, stepping into the other person’s world, seeing things from their point of view – and most importantly, letting them know you’re doing so.
All good listening, of course, starts with paying attention. When a person is communicating something to you, they don’t just do it with words. Actually, what they say accounts for only a small percentage of their message. Most of their communication is done via body language, posture, their tone of voice and facial expression. Someone who tells you they’re “fine” when their voice is dull and their face looks sad, is clearly not fine. So giving someone your full attention and noticing their non-verbal signals is a very good start.
But What Makes Listening Active?
What makes listening active, is the feedback you give people on what you understand to be their true message; how they're feeling, what they're thinking and doing. It's about letting them know you truly hear them.
Paraphrasing is a great first step in letting someone know you hear them. It can take a few attempts not to sound too wooden, but it’s well worth doing.
Paraphrasing means reflecting back almost exactly what a person has said but in slightly different words. Paraphrasing, in itself, is not about depth of listening; it’s more like opening the gateway to a deeper connection. It’s like saying, "Hey I’m on the same page and I’m willing to go deeper if you want?"
Here are some examples of paraphrasing:
Phrase: I was so worried about [name] when she didn’t come home at the usual time.
Paraphrase: Sounds like it was very stressful for you; wondering where [name] could be.
Phrase: Why don’t you ever put the rubbish out when I ask you?!
Paraphrase: It’s annoying for you; you ask me to put the rubbish out but I forget to do it.
Phrase: I’m really fed up with you not listening to a word I say!
Paraphrase: My not listening to you is getting you down.
Phrase: We really ought to go and visit uncle [name] on Sunday.
Paraphrase: You’re thinking we owe him a visit?
Hint: paraphrasing works well when you focus on using the emotional words a person uses, such as angry, worried, excited, thrilled, terrified, down etc. This is because you’re connecting with them on a feeling level.
Checking is a powerful way to convey to someone that you’re really with them in the conversation. It goes deeper than paraphrasing.
Here are some examples of checking:
- Tell me more about that?
- I just want to make sure I’m seeing it from your perspective.
- Is it like this, you feel……..? Is that right?
- Can you give me more details?
- Is it……… that makes you angry, or something else?
- I think I know what you mean, but I’m not 100% sure?
Paraphrasing and Checking, are just two of the ways you can start your journey to becoming an excellent communicator. Try these two, and watch your relationships move to a more meaningful and connected level.
And as always to my lovely community, much kind love 🙂
Courage To Be You!
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